#22: Budgeting & Planning for Retirement in Real Estate – 2018 Mastermind

Jared Lofton is the broker owner of a boutique real estate firm based in Houston, Lofton Realty, established in 2008—just in time for a market slowdown. In order to maintain profits, Jared diversified into the moving business and investing in real estate himself. Along with budgeting and systematic planning Jared is laser focused on his big goals of retiring with $14Million.

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#19: Working Mom Panel – 2018 Mastermind

Each year, a group of highly successful and like-minded Realtors come together to network, learn, and mastermind. We explored the topic of BURNOUT and how to avoid this potential pitfall of operating a successful business – In this episode listen in on our working moms’ panel for tips on how 5 successful women find the balance between being a full time mothers, and heavy hitters in the real estate industry.

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